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Feb 3, 2023

Tricolage's COO appears on podcast - COOがポッドキャストに出演

Tricolage's COO talks about the Tourism Industry in the podcast 

We are excited to announce that our COO, Fumiko Yoshida, was invited as a speaker on the latest episode of Scaling Your Company podcast. Fumiko shared her insights on the current state of the tourism industry in Japan, including challenges and sustainability efforts. She also provided valuable information on working with Japanese tourism stakeholders to meet the needs of overseas travelers. 

Listen to the podcast here: Tourism Industry in Japan with Fumiko Yoshida


外国人が日本でのビジネスを加速させるために役立つ様々な情報を配信するポッドキャスト番組Scaling Japan Podcastに、Tricolage取締役COOの吉田が登壇しました。日本における観光ビジネスの現状や地域が抱える問題、新しい旅行者のニーズなどについてお話ししています。ぜひお聴きください!

ポッドキャストはこちらから(英語): Tourism Industry in Japan with Fumiko Yoshida

Image by Drew Beamer


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