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Join Our Monitor Tour in Yamanashi

The tour has successfully concluded. Here is the report for the amazing 3-day tour in Yamanashi

Calling all professionals working in foreign businesses based in Japan! Are you interested in experiencing the serenity of nature and local culture near Tokyo and discovering how it can enhance your business travels?

Tricolage invites you to join our exclusive 3-day program from November 19th to 21st. Explore the potential of incorporating nature retreats into your corporate travel plans, offering your clients or staffs unique experiences and benefiting local communities. This is a FREE trip, with the only cost being transportation to and from Yamanashi.

Interested applicants will be carefully reviewed and selected for this opportunity. 

For more information, please reach out to us!

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Purpose of the Monitor Tour

This monitor tour is designed to promote the use of Yamanashi Prefecture's unique natural and cultural resources for incentive trips aimed at overseas companies. The tour serves as a model for retreats that can enhance employee productivity and satisfaction.

Why Attend This Tour?

In the era of COVID-19, the importance of meaningful experiences beyond incentive trips and meetings is growing for employee retention. This tour offers physical refreshment, mental stability, leadership development, and team cohesion, all contributing to improved employee productivity and satisfaction.

Expectations for Monitor Tour Participants

If you're considering joining our monitor tour, here's what we expect from participants:

  1. Full Participation: We anticipate that participants will fully engage in the tour for all three days.

  2. Provide Feedback: Your valuable input is essential for us. We kindly request that you share your thoughts and opinions about the tour. Your feedback will be instrumental as we work towards refining and eventually offering this experience as a product.

Overview of the 3-Day Program

Dates: November 19-21, 2023

Location: Yamanashi Prefecture, Kobuchizawa (Google Map)

Accommodation: Lodge Atelier

Itinerary summary (tentative):

Day 1: Arrival and Japanese spiritual experience, followed by the special welcome dinner party

Day 2: Horse healing (or horse trekking), mushroom foraging, and warming up by a bonfire

Day 3: Morning walk and coffee at a cafe, and Yoga lesson in the temple

Host: Tricolage, Inc.

Day 1: Arrival and Spiritual Experience

12:00 Start the tour from Kobuchizawa station​

12:30 Spiritual Experience at Misogi Shrine

  • Attend Japanese spiritual ceremony at Misogi Shrine

  • Time for reflection in natural surroundings

14:00 Nature Walk

  • Visit Ojiro River Valley

16:30 Special Tour at Keith Haring Museum

  • Private tour with insights into the art and region.

18:00 Welcome Party

  • Local alcohol cocktail hour and enjoy the time with other participants

  • Enjoy the dinner with the live flute performance

Day 2: Refreshment and Exploration

9:00 Horse Trekking in the forest

  • Horseback riding through scenic landscapes.

  • Introspection and connection with a horse and nature.

  • ** The horseback riding experience is limited to individuals who weigh less than 95 kilograms

11:30 Mushroom Foraging with Chef

  • Guided mountain tour for mushroom foraging.

  • Special lunch featuring the day’s harvest.

15:00 Exploring Kiyosato

  • Explore in Kiyosato and enjoy the great view of Mt.Fuji 

  • Warm up by the bonfire and enjoy hot wine

19:30 Local beef dinner ​

  • Vegetarian menu is of course available!

Day 3: Connection with Nature and Community

8:00 Walking around the neighborhood  and fresh coffee​ & breakfast​

  • Enjoy a morning walk

  • Have a fresh coffee and toast at a local cafe

11:00 Relaxation Yoga at the temple

  • Indulge in a Yoga Session at a traditional Japanese temple

12:30 Lunch at the local family-run cafe

  • Enjoy ramen noodle in a cozy Japanese house cafe

  • Visit the traditional Japanese house, currently under renovation to become a future local community hub

16:00 Finish the tour at Kobuchizawa station​


  • All costs for activities, meals, and accommodations are covered, except for transportation to and from Kobuchizawa. (Lunch on day 1 is not included.)

  • English-speaking guide will be accompanied throughout the trip

  • The entire 3-day tour will be recorded for promotional purposes. A short movie will be created from the footage and used for future marketing and promotional activities.

Here's the report blog for the amazing 3-day tour!

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